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Marc is a noteworthy Ruby coder who spends a lot of time creating new repositories and branches between pushes. Marc is a fulltime hacker who works best around noon.

Marc's developer personality is very similar to rhoml's but rhoml is less of a CSS aficionado. There is also an uncanny similarity between Marc's activity stream and those of edmt, nkts, naixspirit, and spikegrobstein.

It seems like Marc is—or should be—friends with Vasiliy Yorkin. With this in mind, it's worth noting that Vasiliy is less of a JavaScript aficionado. There is also an obvious connection between Marc and Coveralls, swhgoon, Jamie Peter Goodwin, and Erik Michaels-Ober.

These days, Marc is most actively contributing to the repositories: rocknrollMarc/libapp, rocknrollMarc/cucumber_monitor, rocknrollMarc/ticketee, rocknrollMarc/, and rocknrollMarc/nukeTheCukeRails3.


The two following graphs show Marc's average weekly and daily schedules. These charts give significant insight into Marc's character as a developer. The colors in the charts indicate the fraction of events that are new repos or branches, pushes, watching, forking, and issue comments.


Note: an attempt has been made to show these plots in in the correct timezone (based on Marc's location listed on their GitHub profile) but this procedure is imperfect at best.

We already know that Marc loves creating new repositories and branches whenever they're not pushing code but the following chart sheds some light onto what Marc does with their open source time. In the full event stream analyzed for this report, there are a total of 677 events recorded for Marc. The colors in the pie chart below indicate the number of events that are new repos or branches, pushes, watching, forking, and issue comments.


Marc has contributed to repositories in 21 languages. In particular, Marc seems to be a pretty serious Ruby expert with a surprisingly broad knowledge of JavaScript as well. The following chart shows the number of contributions Marc made to repositories mainly written in Ruby, JavaScript, Scala, Java, and Emacs Lisp.


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