RocknrollMarcs Coding Adventures

‘‘If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.’’ Albert Einstein

Cuke or Puke

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One of the Projects Im working on at the moment is developing a Cucumber interface. And I must say I would of told you a few weeks ago that Iabsolutly love Cucumber and Behaviour driven development.

Well I still love BDD and TDD but Im not so sure about Cucumber or its cause and place.

I have actualy never heard of a non Developer writing or reading Gherkin tests in ther Terminal. And ro be honest Im not so sure about our Project Lead actualy wanting or having the time to learn Gherkin and start writing Tests.

Browser Automation with Selenium is great but you dont need Cucumber for that rspec or minitest ist fine to.

The main thought I had today is ….What is the best way to integrate Stakeholders or other non developers into agile Flow???

Im actualy now quite sure that User stories which should be done before integration testing anyway are more than enough to get the point over..

Im beginning to think that Cucumber is just another bit of Waste that is not part of a Minimum viable product.

Rspec has features if used with Capybara and can automate the Browser…

I also find that Gherkin stands in the way of me Being Creative while practicing TDD.

More and more books are switching from Cucumber as Acceptance test Framwork to Capybara with Rspec or Minitest.

I wonder what time will show……..

Anyway its all rocknroll
